Engineering Management
Information Architecture, Your Support Buddy To Keep Everything Organized
Have you ever wasted time looking for specific information on a website or application? For example, say you are looking for information on a new restaurant in town, and you go to their website and cannot find their menu or hours of operation. Eventually,
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStackEngineering Management
Tips For Motivating Your Development Team
Software development projects involve many ups and downs, and there are always some trying times for teams. However, amidst the setbacks, unforeseen challenges, and pressures, team morale can suffer, impacting employee engagement and productivity.
Charlie Harper
Writer @remotewarrior.comEngineering Management
How Stash Does Engineering Management
Entrepreneurs that are able to take engineering projects to the next level have been among the most admired and famous people across the history of mankind. Forward-thinkers such as Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates,
Ike Eguzouwa
Guest WriterEngineering Management
How To Grow A Successful Remote Team
The last few years have seen a mass exodus away from the traditional concept of 'the office.' Remote work has gone from something unusual, the domain of fly-by-night digital nomads, to a foundational concept in the new way of working.
Joanna Blomfield
Writer @remotewarrior.comEngineering Management
Managing Low Performers on an Engineering Team
Engineering teams need team members that perform to their best ability day in and day out in order to develop new software products. Nearly everyone wants to perform well, especially engineers. However, there may be low performers on any engineering team.
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStackEngineering Management
Focus: A Deep Dive into API Management Tools
API management tools what are they, why do we use them, and how they can meet our needs when it comes to our own companies and enterprises. A short insight into what they are and which are the most used ones within entities.
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStackEngineering Management
CTO vs. VP of Engineering Roles and How They are Different
CTOs and VPs of Engineering roles and responsibilities may seem somewhat similar, but they are also different in many ways. The subjects within this read tackle the CTO vs VP of Engineering job functions, responsibilities, and team structure.
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStackEngineering Management
Asana As A Key Tool For Your Development Team
In the past, project managers often relied on pen and paper, whiteboards, and spreadsheets to manage projects. This can result in a number of issues. Today, we’ll dive into what Asana is, what its functions are,
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStackEngineering Management
How to find an engineering mentor
It ain’t news that software engineering is an incredibly complex, and lucrative field. Engineers who are just starting out in their careers may have difficulty understanding how to navigate their careers.
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStackEngineering Management
Leadership and Micromanagement: is this still a thing?
When it comes to managing and leading software engineers and developer teams, micromanaging can seriously affect employees' productivity. Does this still happen in 2022? Yes. Why? I asked myself this question and started to dive deep into the topic.
Yossi Mlynsky
Founder @ UpStack